This is not the fairy godmother universe.

This is my third effort to write a blog post. Is it time for the blog to end?

I dunno. Nothing lasts forever. And who reads blogs anymore?

I’ve got the blog, Patreon, art, newsletter, and my novels-in-progress. But I’ve also got a job and an aging parent to care for. Why on earth would I imagine I can do all these things? With so many things, can I be doing any of them well?

Y’all. I’ve had this blog since 2007! Am I dedicated or misguided?

Well, obviously the answer is to write more!

I’ve been dithering and hoping my fairy godmother would fix everything with a wave of her magic wand. Well, I guess I’ve got to be my own fairy godmother. It’s ridiculous! I should’ve figured out sooner that we aren’t in the fairy godmother universe…

In any case, I’ll attempt to be less precious about writing and posting, and for the month of April, I’m going to post once a week (that’s only four times!) and get ready to try Story-a-Day May. Now that’s truly ridiculous.

But I love Story-a-Day. I love the community and the challenge. Even though I have no business thinking I can write more, I’m fed up with my frustration and grief over lost writing time. So full steam ahead.

You’ve been warned.

Thanks for reading.

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