A Lucky Peaceful Sky

my photo, effects added for my own amusement

Today we went to the park, and for a few minutes I slipped away from my family and went up the treehouse. I got to lay down on a net and look up at the sky.

I didn’t stay long. I chatted with the two other women. We shared a few laughs and agreed we could take naps up there in that net above the ground.

Soon I felt the pull of needing to rejoin the family and the push of a group of school kids coming up the ramp. I left the scene, happy, especially when my husband met me with coffee.

It was a lovely visit to the park.

That’s it. In a year of stress, frustration, and exhaustion, take a minute to look at the sky and share a laugh if you can. It won’t put out the dumpster fires, and there’s a tremendous amount of good fortune and privilege to have a peaceful sky, but it still matters.

So. What’s brought you joy lately?

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